Come to the edge.
We might fall.
Come to the edge.
It's too high!
Come to the edge.
And they came, and they pushed, and they flew.
- Christopher logue
You know, if your expectation of yoga is all ‘lie down and breathe through one nostril’ you’d wonder how on earth it could be so challenging.
I read this poem for the first time today. It captures, for me, what class very often feels like. I know that people who’ve been very physical all their lives might not understand this, but I never have. It’s a new adventure for me, and life-expanding. And I’m grateful xx
Student’s Pinup Board
Beautiful extension in
When we twist, we are squeezing our internal space, and on release, space returns, but space renewed. Our circulation is revitalised. We think of this as washing and cleansing the organs, bones,muscles and nerves. The intellect through sensations formed by the twist will take on a different form corresponding to the unusual shape of the body. Thus twists creates not only fresh physical space but fresh mental space .
Laura - on her journey towards sirsasana (headstand)! “I have never seen my back so straight”
"Harry looks impressed 😂😂😂"